Tip of the Day: Connectivity to SQL Azure V12

Today’s (SQL) Tip…

We have ran into a few issues with connectivity in SQL Azure V12. This is primarily because with the new architecture you connect directly to your backend node so there is no extra retry logic in between you and the server in the form of a gateway.

This means you should be using valid retry logic in your application. Currently one of the easiest methods out there is to use Topaz (Transient Fault Handling Application Block) https://www.nuget.org/packages/EnterpriseLibrary.TransientFaultHandling/ you can also add new errors to Topaz to handle them as they come in as we update V12. You can see a list of the connectivity errors currently in V12 here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/azure/ff394106.aspx#bkmk_connection_errors