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Book smarts (UAG Book)

During the time I’ve been working with IAG and UAG, many customers and visitors to this blog asked me about the availability of public material about the products. Other than the various blogs and official documentation, as well as occasional public course, there was nothing to be found. I’m glad to tell you that finally, there’s a book out there for UAG…written by me, of course.

The book itself is not really finished – I still have a few more chapters to write, but the publisher has released the first three chapters as something they call RAW (short for Read As we Write). It’s like a Beta version – readers can get it right now, way before the book is officially out, and also make comments or suggestions to it. This is a great honor for me, of course, as the publisher only releases into RAW books that are very well written, and can stand their ground without significant edits.

Even though the book is about UAG, a lot of it also applies to IAG, and even eGap. It’s written specifically for the UAG beginner, and starts with basic concepts and design. It goes through advanced configurations and troubleshooting and includes Direct Access scenarios. It does not, however, cover advanced scenarios like ADFS or customizations.

Interested? I hope so…go ahead and look at: