WSUS: How to confirm WSUS fix 954960 is installed

Here's a cool tip from Mike Johnson, one of our expert WSUS engineers out in Charlotte, North Carolina.  If you've rolled out the recent WSUS sync fix then he explains how you can verify that the patch is in fact installed.


We recently released a fix for the synchronization issue described in Knowledge Base article 954960 -  Some computers do not receive updates from the WSUS server, but unfortunately since this update does not support uninstall nor have an entry in Add/Remove Programs you cannot readily confirm the installation status.

Well here's how you can do it:

You can verify the update has been installed by checking the installed version of the Microsoft.UpdateServices.WebServices.Client.Dll. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to %Program Files%Update
ServicesWebServicesClientWebServicebin, then find Microsoft.UpdateServices.WebServices.Client.Dll and check the version.
Version 3.1.6001.66 is the fix version from the update so if your file has this version then the patch is installed.  If the version is still at 3.1.6001.65, the update has not been applied.


Thanks Mike!

J.C. Hornbeck | Manageability Knowledge Engineer