Dell's built-in Smartcard Reader - I didn't know it was there

I'm a muppet! I've been using a Dell 820 laptop (other machines are available) as my main machine for six months and yet hadn't realised that it had a built-in smartcard reader. I've been using a PCMCIA smartcard reader instead. While I helped James debug his machine sleep problem he asked me "what's that in your PCMCIA slot?".

In my defence the built-in reader isn't labelled and it is located right underneath PCMCIA slot. It's worth taking a quick look at your machine if you are using an alternative smartcard reader as your system may have one too. You probably have more sense that I and found it soon after powering your machine up for the first time...

The image below shows the PCMCIA reader that I no longer need and just above it you can see my smartcard in the built-in reader.