IT Forum 2005 in Barcelona is just around the corner

John Howard is the track owner for core infrastructure - he's been really busy lining up lots of interesting sessions the vast majority of which will be level 400 (deeply technical). If you have suggestions for topics you'd like to see then follow the link to John's post as he's looking for your feedback.

Details of the event can be found here. ITForum runs from the 15th to the 17th November in Barcelona - it is a great opportunity to meet your peers and technical people from Microsoft and our partners. It's definately NOT a selling event so rest assured - you can approach any of the speakers and get answers to your technical questions. There will also be an opportunity to meet the team and work through any questions you may have. There will be a plane load of experts from Redmond and the European field.

In addition to John's Infrastructure track there will be tracks for many other areas including deep technical security sessions - Fred owns the security track as he did last year and for TechEd EMEA - if you'd like to give him feedback as to what you'd like to see then send him an email by clicking here.

Come and join us for a technical festival! There is an early bird discount and of course the flights will be cheapest if you book soon.