Thanks to everyone who helped make today's Oracle User Group a success

I spoke today at the Oracle User Group meeting which for the first time was held at Microsoft. It was a very interesting gathering of people - thanks to all involved.

The audience comprised members of the user group who run Oracle on Windows - many people ran a mix of platforms. The focus of the day was to share best practise regarding the management security and integration of Oracle applications on Windows.

Full details of the event can be found here. I presented a session giving an overview of the security features of Windows Server, advised on how security awareness, security policy and shared links to best practise.

If you have experience of implementing solutions for Oracle on Windows and would like to share your advice with the community then please contribute to the Industry Insider community - clicking on the following link will provide you with much more information. You'll get full credit for your contribution - it's a great way for you to showcase your experience.