Last night's GeekDinner in London was superb

Last night I went to my first GeekDinner (details of future UK events can be found here) which took place in London. This was a real community activity - two hundred people met in a restaurant to talk about "stuff". The only thing we all had in common was that we read Robert Scoble's blog. This was a true community event - it wasn't arranged by any company, no one was there because they had to be, everyone had something to contribute, everyone was excited. I met some amazing people and learnt a great deal about all sorts of things.

There's a cool blog which you can access here to see pictures and hear much more including listening to podcasts which were recorded. At one point we had two podcasters talking to each other whilst each was recording - recursion - very cool.

If you browse to the GeekDinner website you will find that Robert's not a required ingredient though it was certainly fun to chat to him.