Would you like to be involved in setting the security agenda for vendors? Then perhaps you should join the Jericho Forum

Some members of the community have asked me about the Jericho Forum, what is it and where can they find out more. The Jericho Forum is completely vendor neutral and was formed by the heads of information security in a number of international organisations. Their website is a good source of information detailing their mission and how to get involved should you wish to do so.

I think the Jericho Forum is really interesting as it's members are working together to define the security requirements for the software they (and you no doubt) will be using over the coming years. The term "de-perimeterisation " was coined by the group to describe the transient network connectivity of many devices these days citing that it's no longer effective to rely upon the enterprise firewall to protect us from the "outside" as more and more our networks are interconnected, devices are increasingly mobile and hence it's almost impossible to define "the edge". Their website includes an interesting white paper which discusses the concepts in plenty of detail.

I've met a number of the forum members over recent years and can always count upon them to spark interesting discussion about how to move security forward.