Become a Security Insider! Join the most exciting security community in the World!

I'm the lead Technical Security Advisor for Microsoft's ITPro community in the UK. My role involves evangelising the our security technologies(most of which are built into Windows) to help ITPros deliver real world business benefits - reducing costs by enabling businesses to do more with less risk.

Every day I meet security experts and I'd be the first to acknowledge that there are many people out there who know more than I do!

If you'd like to help the ITPro community to get benefit from using security technologies and would like to share your experience then feedback to this post and email me ( too & I'll sign you up as a Security Insider - it's that simple!

There's no charge to be a Security Insider, no barrier to entry other than you wanting to get involved. This is not an official Microsoft programme and you won't be commited to contribute to tied in to anything. I just want to work with you to share experience - we'll be delivering webcasts, blogcasts (mini webcasts hosted on a blog), speaking @ events and writing papers. If any of these things interest you then send me feedback.

I own the technical track for speakers @ TechNet security events in the UK and would really like as many technical security experts to speak @ these events.

The focus IS NOT to sell Microsoft products (or your own) but simply to share best practise and encourage debate.

I know there are many existing security communities and I'm not trying to re-invent the wheel - merely to encourage you to share your experience with the wider community.

If you're a LINUX security expert then it would be great if you'll join us too - many of the problems faced by ITPros are common to both Microsoft and LINUX environments.

The Security Insider community is focused on providing useful content to the ITPro community - debating the best way to mitigate the security threats that we all face is a great way to help ITPros world wide.

Anyone world wide can join this community if they have something to say in the area of Information Security.

Eileen Brown will be reaching out in a similar way for the messaging community - watch out for a post on her blog in the next few days - it was her idea to name these "Insider" communities.

Come on - join in!

