Idea for second book -- "Stay safe online: computer security at home"

Jesper and I are planning a second book. We've noticed a distinct dearth of useful, actionable, and non-scare-mongering computer security resources for home users. A few of the books we've seen are hopelessly bad, really. Either they rapidly forget their audience and get way too technical, or they indulge in religous arguments, bashing Microsoft for no good reason. Why would that be interesting to the average non-technical home user?

We want to take a different approach. Here's a basic outline, which I'll fill in over the next couple weeks:

  • Introduction
    • Purpose and audience
    • Security basics
    • Understanding the tradeoff
    • Recognizing threats
    • Risk management
  • Ensure your computer is up to date
  • Protect against malware
  • Protect your users
    • Running with least privilege
    • How to use administrative privileges properly
    • Software that requires administrative privileges and good alternatives
  • Safe home networking
  • Surfing safely
  • Installing applications properly
  • All you need to know about passwords
  • Protecting your children online
  • How to spot snake oil
  • What if the worst happens?

Unlike other books, we have no illusions that home users are interested in managing their computers. All they want to do is use them! And our chapter on protecting children will have a decidedly different slant. We're generally opposed to spying on kids, thinking that it's better to build an environment of trust.

We're thinking that if we could get this book into places like Costco, Sams Club, Best Buy, Circuit City, and so on, it would sell pretty well. What do you think of our idea? Is there a market for this book? Would you recommend or buy it for your family, your friends, and your neighbors?