OpsMgr email notifications with high importance

Source: Microsoft Internal

Have you ever wanted to send e-mail notifications with the high importance flag set?

It's possible but you have to start your favorite XML editor ;-)

Modifying Microsoft.SystemCenter.Notifications.Internal MP XML to Support Email Priority/Importance


  1. From the “Administration” space in the UI, export the Microsoft.SystemCenter.Notifications.Internal management pack.

  2. Open the management pack XML file in an XML or text editor.

  3. Search for the recipient name, typically in the format DOMAIN\username.

  4. Get the recipient ID from between the <RecipientID>…</RecipientID> tags.


  5. Find the subscription that contains this recipient ID.


  6. Find the <WriteAction> tag in this subscription.

  7. Get the type ID from the TypeID attribute in the <WriteAction> tag.

  8. Start at the beginning of the management pack XML.

  9. Find the write action module that matches the type ID.

  10. Find the </IsBodyHtml> end tag.

  11. Insert the following XML after the </IsBodyHtml> end tag:  <Headers><Header><Name>X-MSMail-Priority</Name><Value>High</Value></Header></Headers>

  12. Save the file.

  13. Import the modified management pack XML, confirm to overwrite the existing one

Once the new management pack is active, recipients should see subsequent email messages from subscriptions that use the modified write action modules display the new priority attribute.

You can also support priority levels for non-MS clients using the X-Priority header with a numeric value, e.g. <Headers><Header><Name>X-Priority</Name><Value>5</Value></Header></Headers>.

This is tested this in our lab using the SP1 RC and RTM builds of SCOM 2007.  The mail clients used for testing were Outlook 2003 and Outlook Express 6.



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