Update - SMS 2003 SP3 Add/Remove Programs reports may cause a CPU Spike and/or SQL Timeout

Back in June we blogged about an issue where the SMS 2003 SP3 Add/Remove Programs reports may cause a CPU Spike and/or SQL Timeout and we mentioned that a fix was being developed.  Well, the fix is now available  - for details please review KB939872.

Note that you can request this hotfix via our new hotfix request web submission form at https://blogs.technet.com/smsandmom/archive/2007/08/28/you-can-now-request-hotfixes-via-the-web.aspx.  Just fill out the info and you'll get an email with a link.

If you're looking for the original post regarding this issue see https://blogs.technet.com/smsandmom/archive/2007/06/28/sms-2003-sp3-add-remove-programs-reports-may-cause-a-cpu-spike-and-or-sql-timeout.aspx.

J.C. Hornbeck