為你而設的 Microsoft Tech Academy 論壇及培訓課程 Microsoft’s Tech Academy forums and training sessions, it’s all here for you

全新的Microsoft Tech Academy 承諾為我們的科技社群提供最快最新的Microsoft熱門工具和平台資訊。馬上登記我們的Tech Academy課程,名額有限!記得密切留意我們的動向,旅程才剛剛開始!

Microsoft Tech Academy is our all-new ongoing commitment to getting IT decision-makers, professionals and developers up to speed on the hottest tools and platforms from Microsoft. Plan ahead and register now! Seats are limited.


科技論壇以高層次概述配以示範,介紹熱門趨勢包括企業災難恢復、統一通信和聊天機器人,全部由我們的最新產品、雲端和伺服器平台支援,例如Microsoft Azure、Windows Server 2016 和 Office 365。

Tech Forums provide a high-level, demo-driven overview on trending topics including enterprise disaster recovery, big data analytics and machine learning models, all empowered by our latest products, cloud and server platforms such as Microsoft Azure,Windows Server 2016 and Office 365.



Tech Training sessions are in-depth, step-by-step training for an elite technical audience, which will provide hands-on experience, best practices and useful tips to accelerate your learning curve.
