Top Tips to better email & much more in free digital marketing guide

Digital marketing – what is it? How do I do it? Do I need to do it?

To answer the last question first, yes, you absolutely do need to do it. We’re living in a digital age and the traditional world of media is going through an exciting revolution.

What is it? Well, anything online really – if you send an email to prospective clients you’re doing digital marketing. What you do with your website is digital marketing. So you’re probably doing it already.

How do I do it? Start by downloading a free digital marketing guide from MSAdvertising. Tony Wardle, Principal at Marketing Mentor and Former founder and chairman of Saatchi & Saatchi Business says in the introduction, “We aim to take the “IT” out of digital, to cut through the technical mystique and replace IT with What and Why and How. That’s not to say that the technology isn’t important — it’s the IT that helps deliver the audience you want to reach — but it can sometimes be a barrier to entry to the digital media world. So this book, like all good digital messages, focuses on being fresh, brief, easy to consume and easy to share with colleagues and agencies.”

Content includes:

· More than a banner ad: the online options

· Getting to know social media

· How do I measure results?

· 10 Top Tips to better email

Here’s a taste of the email tips - you’ll have to download the guide to get the other 7!

· Consider timing. You can control delivery time quite accurately, so make use of it.

· Spend a lot of time on the subject. Don’t be too clever. Check the latest list of ‘risky’ words that could send your email straight to the spam box.

· Who’s it from? Use a sensible sending address, preferably someone’s name, to make the email appear more personal.