Be better than your competitors

Watching Working Lunch last week, Theo Paphitis (of Dragon's Den fame) was being interviewed on matters economic, mainly on the topic of being an entrepreneur. He had an interesting perspective on the state of the economy, saying there has never been a better time to start up a business. I don't think this was much consolation to the MD of a car component firm, who was finding the market increasingly difficult. However, Theo was optimistically adamant that for entrepreneurs there are plenty of opportunities to start and grow a business.

Interestingly, he said he'd never had an original idea in his life, but had succeeded by picking up crumbs from others' tables, and went on to say that right now there are plenty of crumbs falling from corporate tables. He emphasised that you don't necessarily need to do anything different you just need to do it better than your competitors.

And since he plugged a new start-up site three times I thought I'd plug it too - take a look at - "A new support platform for anyone starting or running a small business.By entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, Smarta provides a one-stop-shop where you can access the business advice you need, when you need it."

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