Operations Manager Design Guide and Virtual Labs

The Design Guide has been released and is available via the documentation link on TechNet https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/opsmgr/bb498235.aspx

Or directly https://download.microsoft.com/download/7/4/d/74deff5e-449f-4a6b-91dd-ffbc117869a2/OpsMgr2007_DesignGuid.doc

There are also two more Virtual Labs (OpsMgr Introduction and Advanced Topics).  Both are a great way to play with the products without needing to have hardware on hand.

Systems Center Essentials (SCE)

System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)

Systems Management Server (SMS)

Operations Manager (MOM)

Well... I wanted to post the above before it was too out of date.  I have a pile of things to blog about, but the proverbial plate is full with projects at present.  I'll get back to regular posting as soon as I can :)