Why Design Matters. A pictorial history of microsoft.com

If you designed websites (even for a club or small business) in the mid-90's, you recall the experience of working with tables and invisible GIFs for layout, proprietary HTML tags (ie <marquee>), scrolling banners, and the popularity of the starfield as a webpage background.  The Heaven's Gate Cult followed these design principles, and as you can see in the pictorial history below, it appears that we did so at Microsoft as well.  Enjoy the progression!


April 1994 to August 1995

August 1995 to November 1995


November 1995 to June 1996

June 1996 to August 1996

August 14, 1996 to November 15, 1996  

November 15, 1996 to September 29, 1997

September 29, 1997 to November 30, 1998

 November 30, 1998 to November 2006

November 2006 to January 2007

January 2007 to Present