Inside SBS Podcast Episode #19 - Getting Started with SBS

This episode, we decided to break with our standard format and bring a guest online for the podcast.  Pamela Cassoy, an SBS consultant, joins us for a discussion about her experiences starting out with SBS deployments.  Pamela was gracious enough to describe a number of hurdles she overcame in getting her first SBS installs in place.  We cover a lot of ground in this episode - troubleshooting, best practices, our experience with broken servers, and much more.  Please join us for another foray in to the multi-faceted world of Small Business Server support.

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Show Notes

0:00 Introduction
00:20 Meet Pamela
03:07 Installation difficulties - partitioning issues
07:30 OEM Preinstall
08:30 Standard partitioning vs OEM install
10:00 Backup strategies, performance, recovery strategies and partitioning
15:30 Moving the swap file 
16:54 Tape backups and RSM
22:56 NTBackup vs 3rd Party Solutions
24:55 Testing network throughput
26:04 Event Viewer errors - group policy and crypt32 errors
29:20 Event log tips and tricks
31:00 Windows Update troubleshooting
33:20 NDR Troubleshooting
36:45 Recipient filtering and mailbombs
40:41 Windows Mobile 5 devices and junk mail filtering
41:48 The sticky note analogy of SBS CALs
45:35 Memory allocation errors after adding more RAM