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Barge-in on SP2

When we made SP2 available earlier this month, we were especially proud of our quick turnaround, offering a free upgrade with many valuable features only seven months after our previous update.  Because we’re a small team and we use the product ourselves, we listen carefully to everything we hear from our customers, and we think it’s important to be responsive.

One of the things we heard loudly at our Town Hall Meeting a few weeks ago was the need that some of you had for a way to interrupt (or “barge in on”) the playback messages you set in the Automated Receptionist. So a few of the engineers, testers and program managers on the team got together and came up with a solution.  You can download it right now.

Since this is more of a UI tweak than a new release, we decided not to give it a new name.  If you’ve already installed SP2 and you don’t care about barge-in, there’s no need to do anything – your current version is just fine.  We still think of barge-in as an option you’ll normally want turned off: the same thing that lets customers interrupt your greeting will let a cough or passing car noise interrupt it as well.  But if you haven’t found that to be an issue, we want you to have the choice.

Response Point Group Program Manager Robert Brown tells the whole story on his blog, and now there are posts and discussions at RPTricks and Telephonation as well (not to mention Twitter).