Can cloud security ever work?

An interesting question, posed by Can cloud security ever work? – How relevant is the question by itself? When computers and especially personal computers were introduced, people asked as well whether the security on a PC will ever work – the question is just not relevant. Let’s face it: The Cloud will come! Period. We just have to figure out, how we will manage risks in the Cloud – that’s our job.

I read figures that Cloud computing will be up to 8 times less expensive than on-premise computing. Now, show me the CEO who will not want to save this money. And the order given to the CIO will be “make it happen”. And then the CIO comes to the CSO and says: “secure it”. Here I am completely sure. What about turning it around and being proactive? Making security an enabler instead of a disabler? Then we can make the Cloud happen with acceptable risks.
