Thoughts on the Registered Traveler Programs at Airports

When I entered the US this time, I got a brochure on how I could avoid the line at immigration and just get a fast track by registering with the Global Entry Program, a program, which would pre-screen me and then I just have to register with a machine by entering the US. As I understand, this is a re-start of the Clear program TSA had a few years back. I looked at it and as waiting time in the lines in Seattle (where I enter the US in 95% of the cases) is shorter than the waiting time for the luggage, there is no real benefit for me opposed to the privacy and security questions (yes, I am paranoid).

This morning then, I read an interesting blog post by Bill Nagel, a Forrester analyst, called It’s The Database, Stupid, covering some of the worries linked to those programs. It is a really good – not emotional – read.
