Windows 7 Upgrade Option endet am 31.01.2010!

Seit 26.06.2009 konnten sich Kunden im Rahmen des Windows 7 Upgrade Option-Programms beim Kauf einer Premium-Version von Windows Vista, vorinstalliert auf einem Computer oder in Form einer Systembuilder-Lizenz ein kostenloses bzw. vergünstigtes Paket der passenden Windows 7 Version sichern.

Diese Möglichkeit endet am 31.01.2010! Upgrade-Angebot_3

Das bedeutet:

  • PCs purchased after January 31st, 2010 are not qualified for the Windows 7 Upgrade Option Program.
  • OEM Distributors must not distribute offers to upgrade to Windows 7 as part of the Windows 7 Upgrade Option Program after January 31st, 2010.
  • OEM Windows 7 upgrade offers that are still in PC system boxes after January 31st are no longer valid.
  • The website will accept upgrade requests from qualifying customers who received an upgrade offer form with their PC until February 28th, 2010.
  • All Windows 7 Upgrade Option Program media requested by program-qualifying end users will be fulfilled to those end users on or before April 30th, 2010. No Windows 7 Upgrade media may be distributed to end users after April 30th, 2010.

Und nachfolgend finden Sie die wichtigsten Eckdaten des Windows 7 Upgrade Option-Programms dargestellt:


Danke für Ihr zahlreiches Interesse!


Liebe Grüße

Nicole Hiden