Webcast: Microsoft Windows Vista - nowy wymiar bezpieczeństwa, nowe cechy - przegląd techniczny

Windows Vista carries so many impressive features, that it is easy to
overlook one of the most amazing aspects of it: security. It is beaming
with new innovative technologies that do not exist on any other
operating system yet, such as BitLocker™ – losing your laptop will
render your data useless to a thief. Changes to the kernel will make
the system more immune from many clever attacks of today. Structures
management of drivers will prevent USB devices from stealing your
company’s secrets. New cryptographic subsystem will make it the first
major OS to support the military-grade Suite-B of protocols. Redesigned
logon process will make use of strong authentication in a way that is
easy to manage across an enterprise – no mean feat today! Enhanced
Standard User will empower most people to be in charge of making
significant changes to the system. Next Generation TCP/IP stack will
protect you from all known low-level network attacks. There is so much
more to say about security in Vista and Longhorn! This session will
give you a good overview of the things to come and it will prepare you
to manage the new abilities as well as to make good choices when
deciding on the hardware to buy, deploy or develop for.

Rafal Lukawiecki

Strategic Consultant [Project Boticelli Ltd]
Strategic Consultant and Director w firmie Project Boticelli Ltd, Rafal
jest odpowiedzialny za analize, planowanie i wprowadzanie zmian na polu
IT wielu firm. Ze wzgledu na jego bezposrednia wspólprace z klientami,
Rafal pracuje z zespolami nawet do 150 developerów, ale tez z
inwestorami oraz dyrektorami w firmach IT. Taka praca pozwala na
wykorzystywanie w praktyce najlepszych zasad "Microsoft Solutions
Framework and Microsoft Operations Framework" - sekretu stojacego za
sukcesem firmy Microsoft oraz innych firm z branzy IT.