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Side-by-side error message while registering component developed in VC80

  Recently I was working with one of my customers, who were trying to register a binary which was developed in VC8.0 on Windows Vista Edition. While registering this component they were getting following error message which prevent them to register component.


The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration s incorrect. Please see the application event log for more details.


To resolve this issue you can follow any one of the following suggestions.


  1. Upgrade the Vista machine with SP1
  2. Install the latest service pack for VC++ redistribution package which automatically update WinSxS folder.



1. it's advisable to create a setup package for redistributing Visual C++ application. You can find complete information about creating set up package from Visual C++ Team Blog


2. There is a pretty good article about side-by-side installation and proper usage for sxstrace.exe by Junfeng Zhang's