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Things to do in Flight Simulator X

Missions in Flight Simulator X are somewhat of a mystery right now, and I'm not going to spill the beans before details of our plans are officially announced. But I can say they provide "new things to do."

Advanced users and Flight Simulator enthusiasts don’t seem to have any difficulty figuring out what kinds of interesting and entertaining things they can do in the product. New users on the other hand see an intimidating and huge world and don’t have the foggiest idea what to do. Once they figure out how to takeoff and have flown over “their house.” I can just hear them thinking, “well I guess that’s it, the other stuff looks too hard anyway…” How many copies of Flight Simulator have ended up on the shelf because of this? Too many I’m sure.

So this is why tdragger said in a video taped interview at CES that the missions are intended for new users. However, if you read my earlier post, we take a balanced approach to design and there are missions that should appeal to all types of users and skill levels. Of course I can’t tell you what any of them are, but eventually you will see information released. I’m also excited about what the community will create which will really open up the possibilities.