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E3 Looming...

That time of year is quickly approaching when entertainment publishers descend upon Los Angeles and perform in a circus of sorts showcasing their wares and trying to one up the other guy with the loudest sound system and punchiest videos. I'm referring to E3 of course.

Having attended many E3's (and the CES show before E3 was created) over the last 20 some years, I always enjoyed the show for the first day. After the first day the constant noise of competing games grows a little tiring.

It looks like I'll be attending this year's show which should be especially fun. I'm starting to dedicate my late night hours (and daytime for that matter) to preparing for this event. Not a big deal considering the work needs to be done anyway! We're pretty much in "crunch mode" right now so if you are lucky enough to be an E3 attendee and stop by to say hello, cut us some slack if we're looking a little run down and ragged.