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Suporte da industria de TI ao ECMA OpenXML

No seguimento dos posts anteriores, parece-me interessante fazer um ponto de situação, do suporte da indústria de TI à norma ECMA Open XML.

Esta lista de software que aqui apresento, é compatível com o Standard ECMA OpenXML para plataformas (PC) Linux, Mac e Windows e (Mobile) iPhone, PalmOS e Windows Mobile

Chamo a atenção para o facto de cada vez mais fabricantes de software proprietário/livre gratuito/comercial, em diversas plataformas adoptarem o standard ECMA OpenXML o que é em larga  medida um reconhecimento da importância e aceitação do standard no mercado, permitindo ao utilizador um leque alargado de opções de escolha da solução que lhe permita aceder de forma aberta, interoperável e gratuita aos seus documentos.

Apple iPhone - e Apple iWork - IWork '08 applications can open the ECMA OpenXML formats

Microsoft Office (2007 and older versions of Office) – free update that allows them to read and write the ECMA Open XML. It's the second most popular download on the Microsoft site with millions of downloads already.

Novell OpenOffice – free Read and write the ECMA OpenXML formats with OpenOffice.

Corel WordPerfect - Support for ECMA OpenXML in an upcoming release of their office suite. (

Palm OS – Documents To Go brings ECMA OpenXML support to smartphone and PDA devices powered by the Palm operating system (

NeoOffice – NeoOffice brings ECMA OpenXML support to the mac (

MindMapping – Mindjet's MindManager allows you to follow the logical workflow of first brainstorming, then creating a document outline, and then writing you document. You can brainstorm your idea in MindManager, and then convert those into a wordProcessingML document. (,1895,2092894,00.asp)

OpenXML Writer- The folks up at have build a free open source text editor called "OpenXML Writer" that allows you to edit WordprocessingML files. (

Gnumeric – Gnumeric is an open source spreadsheet application that was one of the first applications out there to show support for SpreadsheetML. The latest build from this summer has very rich SpreadsheetML support. (

Web Development (PHP) – There is an open source project up on codeplex where they are creating a set of PHP classes which allow you to read and write SpreadsheetML files. (

Java Developers – There is a project up on sourceforge where they are creating a set of Java APIs to make programming against the openxml formats much easier for Java developers. (

Data Reporting – In Monarch V.9.0 from Datawatch you have the ability to create reports of your data using SpreadsheetML (

XML to PDF – Altsoft XML2PDF server 2007 supports the import of WordprocessingML files (

Word and Character Counting on Mac – Word Counter 2.2.1 is an application for Mac OS X, and it supports a variety of file formats, including WordprocessingML (

Convert ECMA Open XML to simple html – The docx converter allows you to transform WordprocessingML documents into either plain text or simple html directly from their website. (

Convert ECMA Open XML to ODF 1.0 - The goal for this project is to provide translators to allow for interoperability between applications based on ODF (OpenDocument) 1.0 standards and Microsoft OpenXML based Office applications. As a part of this interoperability initiative, add-ins are being developed that can be installed on top of Microsoft Office Word (document processing), Excel (spreadsheet) and PowerPoint (presentation) applications (Office 2007 / 2003 / XP version) to allow for opening and saving OpenDocument format / ODF files (.odt, .ods and .odp) that adheres to ODF 1.0 specifications.

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