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More Windows Vista Wallpaper

To commemorate more than half a million visits (wow!) to my own wallpaper page, here's a bonus macro shot of rain drops on the hood of my car (1,920 x 1200 and 1,600 x 1,200). I promise to add more photos when the color starts returning to the Seattle area, but in the meantime, I'd like to point out two more image sets that are worth checking out.

First, read an interview with Hamad Darwish, a photography enthusiast who spent 10 to 12 days along the Oregon coast shooting over 6,000 images to find only 5 that ended up being included in Windows Vista. I love the hyperreal and saturated look of his photos. Be sure to visit Hamad's Flickr site, and when you're done there, download 22 high-resolution images that weren't included in Vista on his personal web site.

Second, take a look at these Windows Vista Ultimate wallpapers that were created by some graphics artists on the Windows Experience team. Nice work!