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Sweet Fifteen

On March 4, 1991 I arrived at New Employee Orientation here at Microsoft and thus started my first day as a Microsoft employee.  That means that last Saturday marked my 15 year anniversary with the company which is a pretty rare thing around here.  In addition they started a new program this year were major milestones (5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 years) are recognized with an interesting service award.  Here's a photo of the one I received and is the first one I have seen:


Click to see a bigger image. 

Sorry about the quality...I used my cameraphone and forgot to take the protective cover off (and today I left my phone at home).  It probably speaks to our society that everyone who sees it immediately says, " could kill someone with that!"

Quite often people recognize anniversaries around here w/ a pound of m&ms for each year they've been here.  I don't need that many m&m's sitting that close to me. But here are a few notable moments from my msft career:

First Msft Job: Supporting Lan Manager 2.0c.

Closest Run-In w/ BillG: Bill used to come and talk to our support organization about once a year when I first started.  I had an opportunity to shake his hand once, but there was a big crowd so I didn't bother.

Biggest Historical Moment: I was leant to MSDN to write the ISAPI listener for the initial SOAP Toolkit sample.  It was Msft's first SOAP implementation.

Children when I started at Msft: 2

Children now: 7

Number of current employees I interviewed: I would guess somewhere around's quite interesting to see where you run into those familiar faces over the years.

Biggest Msft Big Wigs I have worked with: Brian Valentine used to come answer phones in support once in awhile when I first started.  I worked pretty closely w/ David Treadwell when Winsock 2.0 was coming out.  I vaguely remember Kevin Johnson when he worked in support.

Coolest Technical Ah ha moment:  One of the PDCs leading up to the NT release when they introduced the idea of completion ports.

Most obscure technologies I have dealt with: There was a time when I was the guy who did all the developer support for archaic network protocol that basically lets you fiddle w/ the ethernet (or token ring, or arcnet) packets directly.  That was back before this new fangled TCP/IP stuff quite took off.  Another technology I supported was MIFST which was our OFX server platform for awhile.  OFX is a protocol that MS Money and Quicken used (and I think still do use) to talk to banks.

Number of PDCs I have attended: I've lost track: most of them

Buildings I have had offices in: 6

Managers: 14

Publications I have Written for: MSJ (Microsoft Systems Journal), MIND (I was in the inaugural issue), MSDN Magazine, MSDN Online.  Running Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0 (MSPress book).  I also wrote for the NT Developer's Journal and some other networking magazine before that.

Favorite API: can use it to test security credentials, to test network connectivity, to establish a security context with a server and avoid multiple NTLM handshakes (ok...I used it before Kerberos was established), and even to check if you have network connectivity installed.  Joe Flannigan and I have a running joke that when in doubt, you should always call WNetAddConnection2.  It's even a tasty dessert topping.

Favorite LAN Manager functionality that still exists to this day:  You can still do amazing things with the NET.EXE command line utility.

I've been writing this post off and on for about 3 days now so enough reminiscing.  Back to work. :-)
