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If I had a nickel.... Date an email is promoted...

Now this is a question that comes up all of the time... It goes something like this... Ben, why when I promote emails, it does it for the date I promoted the email, not the date of the email. What a pain in the neck.  The official reason is that this was by design. Well, due to everybody asking, it looks like you now have a choice. (Or the design changed...)

This problem occurs because the date on which the e-mail message was received is not stored in the ActualEnd field of the e-mail activity in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 database.

After you apply this hotfix, a SetActualEnd registry subkey is created in the following registry key:


The default value of the SetActualEnd registry subkey is one (1). Therefore, the value in the ActualEnd field will be set to the date on which the e-mail message is received. If the value of the SetActualEnd registry subkey is zero (0), the value in the ActualEnd field will not be set.

Happy Promoting!!!

The date on which an e-mail message was received is not displayed after you promote the e-mail message in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 client for Outlook