Microsoft Premier Workshop: Skype for Business Server Enterprise Voice


Der 4tägige Skype für Business Server Enterprise-VoIP Workshop bietet Teilnehmern tiefes Wissen und Verständnis für die Techniken und Werkzeuge, die notwendig sind, um eine komplexe Multi-geographische Enterprise-VoIP-Lösung mit Skype for Business Server zu designen, bereitzustellen und zu konfigurieren.

Module 1: Unified Communications Concepts:
This module is an overview of foundational Unified Communications concepts crucial to beginning a Skype for Business Deployment. Topics include general telecom and PSTN concepts along with signaling and voice transport concepts.

Module 2: Plan and Deploy Microsoft Unified Communications:
In this module you will run through a basic Skype for Business Enterprise Voice deployment. Starting with planning and sizing, to network readiness, to the enabling of users with phone numbers, with the ability to make calls to internal and PSTN numbers.

Module 3: Plan and Deploy Advanced UC Features:
This module covers advanced Skype for Business Unified Communications features. Here you will learn the planning and deployment of specific features along with proper management of these services.

Module 4: Plan and Deploy Voicemail Services:
This module will help you understand and enable integration with Exchange Server based Unified Messaging.
Dieser fortgeschrittene Workshop ist richtet sich an Senior IT und Telekommunikations-Mitarbeiter, die bereits Erfahrung mit dem Design, der Bereitstellung und Management von Lync Server 2013, Skype for Business Server oder anderen Telekommunikation-Lösungen haben.

Level 300
(Level Skala: 100= Strategisch/ 200= technischer Überblick/ 300=tiefe Fachkenntnisse/ 400= technisches Expertenwissen)

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