EDUCAUSE 2010: The Next Generation Begins

Today, Microsoft education leaders and I are at EDUCAUSE 2010 in Anaheim, CA. While incredible theme parks are just a stone’s throw away, higher education CIOs and the IT Industry are in Anaheim to sharpen their vision and improve the business of learning.  There are big issues facing higher education that will shape the next 10 years and beyond.   From my viewpoint, the major themes for the modern CIO are harnessing the economy of “trustworthy” cloud computing; making consumerization of IT an institutional advantage; and creating compelling, learning experiences for students and faculty that build affinity for their institution.
Demystifying the cloud remains top-of-mind for university CIOs.  They are discovering that not all cloud services are created equally.  Microsoft is unique in its holistic approach to cloud computing that brings the advantages of traditional on-premise services to the scale and elasticity of the Internet.  While technical merits are certainly notable for short-term decision-making, history teaches us that it is leadership and core competencies that make for a long-term, sustainable transformation. Cloud computing is not just about lowering cost, it provides a unique opportunity to reimagine learning delivery and consumption.


This is the message that I carry to our education CIOs to build a balance between getting today’s wins and building a market advantage.
So how does all of this come together?

  • Microsoft has been delivering cloud computing services for over 15 years.  We are committed to delivering cloud service counterparts to all of our products and technologies. 
  • We have placed a demonstration of Kinect for XBOX 360 in our exhibit here in Anaheim to showcase Microsoft innovation.  Additionally, it highlights how consumerization creates an opportunity to connect with students in new ways for learning. 
  • Mobile devices and the Web are the intersections between cloud, campus, and consumer to create compelling learning experiences. During EDUCAUSE, I will be sharing how Windows Phone 7 and Internet Explorer 9 are key ingredients to any recipe to create personal and meaningful relationships for the modern, hyper-connected student.

Ten years ago, the focus would have been on devices, software systems, and infrastructure services.  Going forward, university leaders require a pairing of competencies that create shared vision, drive execution, and move beyond the widget-focused view of the horizon. I am confident that next ten years of learning will be the most transformative we have seen. You are invited to stop by our exhibit at Booth 1724 and discover what Microsoft  is doing new in higher education. I am excited to help our nation’s colleges and universities “be what’s next.”
For more information on what Microsoft’s work in education click here.
To hear my latest take on technology in education visit my blog,


Posted by Cameron Evans
U.S. Chief Technology Officer