Updated Steps for Moving Operations Manager 2012 Databases

Back when Operations Manager 2007 was released, I blogged here - https://blogs.technet.com/b/mgoedtel/archive/2007/08/06/update-to-moving-operationsmanager-database-steps.aspx regarding
a script that needed to be executed after you moved the OperationsManager database from one SQL server to another.  With Operations Manager 2012, the steps documented here - https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh278848.aspx, still overlooks the fact you need to update the Master database on the destination SQL server in order to complete this operation successfully. 

It should be noted the same issue/symptoms will occur after you move the data warehouse database (OperationsManagerDW).

Attached is a .ZIP file containing the two scripts for updating the Master database on the SQL servers hosting either the OperationsManager or OperationsManagerDW database. 

