CodeMash PowerShell Recap and Screencast!

codemashv2 PowerShell is a great tool, and if you have not started to learn, it is never too old to learn this great tool!  You are also not alone, I had the privilege to speak this year at CodeMash.  I know what you are thinking, that sounds like a developer conference and it is!  It is also so much more, it is about gathering as a community, and I hope to some day help promote something similar from an IT side.

Aaron Lerch and myself presented a session on PowerShell, it was geared toward an introduction to get people interested in the tool.  I got to deliver the overview and even talked about syntax as you can see the picture in this post.  Aaron, talked about how PowerShell can be used in the development process.  As Aaron told the crowd, PowerShell is .NET on the command line very fitting.  You can read Aaron’s recap of the session here (and get the code he used in the session):

10 Things You Need to Know About PowerShell at Codemash 

I hope everyone enjoyed the session and I hope to be able to return to CodeMash next year.

In addition to the talk, I recently recorded a screencast on PowerShell V2. Which is not only in Windows Server 2008 R2 , but also available for Windows 7 and for download for your other Servers.  In the screencast I take a look at the new output control called Gridview thatgives you a lot of functionally to be able to work with the sometimes complex output that we have inside of PowerShell along with the Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripted Environment feature, and the ability to run remote PowerShell commands on servers that are not in your environment. 

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Take a look at the screencast and let me know what you think!