Book of the month February 2009: Total Access: A Journey to the Center of the NFL Universe

NFL With the NFL season officially over, and Arena Football canceled, what now?  How is one supposed to get a dose of Football to get them through the long off season?   My suggestion?  Check out the book of the month for February: Total Access: A Journey to the Center of the NFL Universe by Rich Eisen

This great book steps through the birth of the NFL network as wells as provides  but I think provides some great insights into what happens when the season is over.  Rich isen, aka Your Humble Narrator, does a great job of explaining in great details what happens in the off season.

If you have ever wanted to know what happens behind the scenes at:

  • The Pro Bowl
  • The Combine
  • Owners Meeting
  • Rookie Meetings
  • The Hall of Fame

Then this book is for you, really for any fan of the NFL. 

As the book title suggests, it is truly total access.  I was amazed at the amount of work the players put in before they even have to go to camp.  I even enjoyed the humorous way that Rich frames a lot of the stories, especially the Pro Bowl, aka do not give out your room number week.  Simply a fun an informative book.

There is also a great section in the book aptly titled “Things that need to be in this book”, that goes into several of Rich’s stories about his experiences with the NFL and the players.  So if you need your dose of football check out this book!

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