Screencast: Slipstream Internet Explorer (IE) 8 into Windows Vista

Lately, I have been doing a lot fun work with the IE 8 team.  Look for a TechNet radio interview shortly I did with Jane Maliouta who is a IE Deployment Program Manager.  In talking with Jane she told that she had written a post on how to slipstream IE 8 into an Windows Vista image.  After checking out the post I decided to make a screencast to show how easy this is to do.

Check it out:

Windows Media Player Version (RT Click and save as): Slipstream IE8

If you want to see the steps in greater detail check out Jane's post here:

Detailed Steps to Slipstream IE 8 into Windows Vista 

If you have not scene IE 8 in action check out my two screen casts I did a few weeks back:

Here are some other great resources for IE8, as well as download locations:

Download IE 8 today:

Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008

Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 x64

Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1 for Windows XP SP2

Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1 for Windows Server 2003 SP2

Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1 for Windows Server 2003 SP2 and Windows XP SP2 Pro x64