A Blast from the Past: Group Policy and Active Directory Webcast series

I was doing some checking and I just realized that it has been almost 4 years since I delivered the group policy webcast series.  What was very exciting for these webcasts is that it we (the TechNet Team) tried something new, Michael Murphy and myself piloted two webcasts series.  I delivered group policy and Michael delivered Active Directory.  The links for all of the webcasts in both series can be found below.  Before I go any further:

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

The original goal of the series to see if folks like yourselves would attend a multiple part series that spanned several weeks.  We had questions like  would this be of interest, how would attendance be at the end, and overall would they last?  Well you responded with such positive comments, ratings and attendance that the webcast series are here to stay, and are getting better.  As my recent post on Windows Server 2008 24 part series illustrates,  it simply amazes me how far we have come in 4 years!  I still get emails from the original series!  Very Cool!

Even though both series are older the basic concepts still hold water and provide solid foundations for building your Group Policy and AD knowledge.  We are currently looking at updating both series, so stay tuned! 

With that enjoy the blast from the past!

14 Part Group Policy Webcast Series:

11 Part Active Directory Webcast Series: