Does your company have an Enterprise Search Strategy?

Good evening all of my search jedi's  :-)

I heard a great analyst, Matthew Brown, from Forrester talk about how important it is a to have a strategy and he did a very good job defining the steps to developing the strategy.  There is a great brief summary of the article at here:

Newsletter Archives: How To Be A Hero: Develop An Enterprise Search Strategy 

Matt outlines the importance of the following seven steps to be successful in your enterprise search:

  1. Define objectives
  2. Define a desired scope
  3. Evaluate and select content enrichment methods
  4. Define requirements, and identify vendor products
  5. Define a taxonomy of search types
  6. Plan for a relevant user experience
  7. Implement, monitor, and improve

Matt goes into great detail into going into detail of the 7 steps, and I recommend if this resonates with you and want to know more details you may want to consider getting the full report here :

How To Be A Hero: Develop An Enterprise Search Strategy 

Happy Searching!