It slices, it dices and it translates???: Word 2007 Language Translation

I just found out something incredible cool!  I was out and about and checking one of my blog posts and saw a referral and noticed it was entirely in Spanish.  Wanting to read the post, I very simply copied and pasted it into a blank Word 2007 document.  I then highlighted the text, right click and saw an option  translate.  So I clicked on the option and eureka!  To my amazement it translated the post (with one exception listed below).  Word 2007 automagically linked to a site called World Lingo, which translated the text.  Pretty amazing stuff!

So the comment came on a post I did for the Q/A log from a Business Data Catalog WebCast.  I clicked the link to follow the comment.  The link took me to Daniel Matey's blog and here is what I found after scrolling:

BDC (Business Data Catalog) es una de las funcionalidades mas apasionantes de Sharepoint 2007, para los que aun no la conozcais su utilidad es la de poder integrar datos de multiples bases de datos dentro de Sharepoint, esto incluye las busquedas, listas, combos en listas, etc.

Seguro que aprenderemos mucho con esta webcast.

Here is what it translated to:

BDC (Business Data Catalog) is one of the exciting functionalities but of Sharepoint 2007, for which not yet conozcais its utility is the one of being able to integrate data of multiple data bases within Sharepoint, this includes the searches, lists, stands for casks in lists, etc.

Surely that we will learn much with this webcast.

So the only word that it did not get was conozcais, my guess is the accent mark did not get copied over.  Conozcais means roughly "you know" 

Now, this may not be the most accurate translation but it gave me a general sense of what the comment was, and yes the BDC is that cool! However, language translation is even cooler! 

So check it out next time you need a quick translation!  Enjoy!