Microsoft Solutions for Windows Update Management: Webcast (8-7-2006)

Good Day all my Updaters!

Thank you for attending my web cast on Update Options.  John Baker and Chris Avis did an excellent job and handled the few questions that came into the queue. I have the few questions from the web cast.  I have all also included a couple of fantastic resources for the update solutions! 

Here is a great link, where you can down load the slides and individual demos for this web cast:

Also if you can watch the stream of the web cast here:
Microsoft Solutions for Windows Update Management

Please comment if you need more information. 

Question: I use WUA to scan remote machines in an off-line/scripted manner. A requirement seems to be that Automatic Updates must be running on the remote machines. Is there a way to perform remote scans (as described) *without* Automatic Updates running on the remote machines?
Answer: You can use SMS to do the scans or develop a custom solution. If you wish to use the WSUS components for scripted scanning then the AU components do need to be running on the client.

Question: I have WUS deployed the drive it is deployed on is filling up slowly with these downloaded updates. I know there are quite a few updates that have been superseded by another what are the best practices to cleaning/removing flies on the drive that are no longer needed? Are there any good utilities?
Answer: I would recommend that you use WSusUtil.  You can download it here: