Introduction to Data Protection Manager: Webcast (7-5-2006)

Good Day all my Data Protection masters!

Thank you for attending my web cast on Data Protection Manager.  John Baker did an excellent job and handled the few questions that came into the queue. I have the few questions from the web cast.  I have all also included a couple of fantastic resources for DPM.  This is the second time that I have done this web cast.  The previous Q/A log can be found here:

Here is a great link, where you can down load the slides and individual demos for this web cast:

Also if you can watch the stream of the web cast here:
Introduction to Data Protection Manager

Home page for Data Protection Manager (DPM): 

Please comment if you need more information. 

Question: If DPM is installed in a small network with Microsoft ISA are there any configurations required in ISA and should the DPM Server have the ISA Firewall client installed?
Answer: Check this article.

Question: Can Data Protection Manger (DPM) backup Exchange or SQL or other online databases?
Answer:  I have gotten these questions a few times. Ultimately Data Protection Manger (DPM) is not the recommend solution to be the primary backup those environments. However, here are some great articles on Data Protection Manger (DPM). Something to be aware of, while you can use Data Protection Manger (DPM) to protect these services, as noted in the KB's (below (from the SQL KB)) "DPM 2006 cannot directly help protect a SQL Server database."   Bottom line:  

Data Protection Manger (DPM) will be in used in conjunction with traditional backup’s methods to guarantee full recoverability. Here are the articles (KB 909644 and KB91040):

Question: Does Data Protection Manger (DPM) need a separate license?
Answer: You can view Data Protection Manger (DPM) System requirements and licensing info here: