Louisville, KY Questions and Answers Windows 2003R2 and Exchange SP2 (3-28-2006)

Good afternoon Louisville!  Thank you to everyone for coming out to the event and joining me at the Kentucky Convention Center.  I hope everyone enjoyed the time and I look forward to seeing everyone again.  BTW Thank you Tim for reading my blog!  J  Did you find the info you needed for your biometrics question?  There were a few questions that I did some research on.  So here the Questions and Answers from the event; as always feel free to comment if I missed any question or if you need additional information, enjoy! 

Q: Is there a Windows 2003 R2 release for Windows Storage Server?
I actually stand corrected, there is and you can find it here: https://www.microsoft.com/windowsserversystem/wss2003/default.mspx 

Thank you KB for pointing this out to me! 

Q: Can users see their quota that is setup in File Resource Manager?
They will not see their individual quota as the work with files in the environment.  However, the quotas will still be enforce and prevent the users for violating the quotas.  As best as I can figure the users will also not see the drive size reflected by their quota.

Q: Can you turn off the Sender ID Framework?
There is no set way to technically turn off the framework.  However, you can configure the framework to accept the messages; in a essence this disables the framework.  I mentioned during the show, an excellent article that Keith Comb’s posted on the sender ID framework here: https://blogs.technet.com/keithcombs/archive/2005/08/23/409686.aspx

Q: Where can I watch the full video I saw on the Red Cross and Hurricane Katrina?
I hope you are as excited as I am with the video.  The show is called InterFace TV and one of my teammates, Chris Henley are associate producers for the show,  you can watch the show here: https://interfacetvshow.com/episode1.asp
I also put a brief blog entry on the topic as well here: https://blogs.technet.com/matthewms/archive/2006/04/04/424243.aspx