Best Practices: Security Update Management with Systems Management Server 2003: Webcast 2-27-2006

Thank you for attending the web cast on SMS and Security Update management, as promised here is the scrubbed Q/A log (you kept Chris Avis very busy!).  Please comment if you need more information.  I mentioned a great web site where you can down load the slides and individual demos for this web cast take a look at the session home page: 

Also if you can watch the stream of the web cast here:


Question: Where can I find FAQ's, White Paper's and technical information on SMS?

Question: Are there some peer-based newsgroups for SMS?

Question: Is the current version of ITMU is included in the download for SP2 for SMS 2003. ITMU for SP1 is different from ITMU for SMS 2003 SP2
Answer: Yes

Question: Are there any training classes or books specific to "WSUS" other than install documents?
Answer: I don't believe there are any MS offered courses on WSUS. The TechNet site has a lot of great information on WSUS ---

Question: Does the ITMU replace ALL scanners for SMS?
Answer: Yes and No, it all depends on the clients you are deploying to.

Question: IS ITMU available pre-SMS 2003 SP1?
Answer: yes - at the  

Question: If you want to manually download the list of updates instead of specifying a *sync* computer, how do u do that and where do you download it from?
Answer:  In WSUS you will manually synch updates to the WSUS server only. If you wish to grab updates manually then you will do that through Windows Update or through the   Take a look at Page 7 of the ITMU Deploy Guide which is included in the ITMU download, for more information.

Question: Wouldn't you consider it a security concern that a website is publicly available listing the updates that have not been applied to a particular computer?
Answer: Not really,WSUS requires administrative rights to access. You can further use IIS/NTFS permissions to limit which administrators have access to the site to approve updates.

Question: Is there a better tool than DSUW? disabled?
Answer: Not that I am aware of.

Question: Is there a way to automatically set this up to auto-approve and advertise updates to workstation, similar to how SUS works?
Answer: Yes. You can fully automate SMS via scripting.

Question: Is there a resource that explains how to automate SMS with scripting?
Answer:   There is also a good intro to SMS scripting here: