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The Devil does Unified Communications!

I have had a couple of comments recently about my blog post titles ..... hopefully this one is living up the the 'level of quality' people have come to expect ;-) ... anyway ... on with the post :-)

Unified Communications encompasses a lot of technologies and more importantly looks to solve a number of issues that people experience every minute of every day,  problem is we are so used to dealing with these problems that we dont realise they are there.  Technologies like Live Communications Server 2005,  Exchange 2007 and the forthcoming Office Communications Server 2007 have hundreds of features inside that can solve the 'communications chaos' and its hard for the team at Microsoft to remember them all and even tougher for customer to take them all in at once,  what's the solution then?

Taking the idea that 'a picture paints a thousand words',  Peter De Zoete has put together a video (that makes millions of words right?) to show how Microsoft Unified Communications technolgies work together to solve communication problems.

Its a brilliant video ... showing very well technologies that are either out now or will be within the next twelve months!.  I am told there are more to come so stay tuned!

How many products or features can you spot in the video? Click on the link below!