Office Communicator 2007 R2의 설정 항목들을 한 눈에 확인 하는 방법

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여기에서 Configuration Information 항목을 선택하면,

현재 Office Communicator 2007 R2의 설정 항목들을 한 눈에 볼 수 있습니다.


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Configuration Information 에 나오는 값들에 대한 설명은 아래의 정보를 확인해 주세요!

DG URL Internal

The client will use this URL if connected to the internal environment, to connect to the web service that expands distribution groups.

DG URL External

The client will use this URL if connected to the external environment, to connect to the web service that expands distribution groups.

Quality Metrics URI

Quality Metrics will be sent to this Monitoring Server. The client will send it to the Front End it is connected to, where Microsoft Message Queue will send it to the Monitoring Server. Having this entry here basicly tells you, that Monitoring is activated for the pool homing this user.

URL Internal From Server

Internal users will use this URL to download the address book for Office Communicator.

URL External From Server

External users will use this URL to download the address book for Office Communicator.

Voice mail URI

To call the user directly on voice mail, this URI has to be addressed. Having this entry shows also, that the user is enabled for voice mail.

MRAS Server

MRAS is the Media Relay Authetication Service, providing credentials to use the AV Edge Server. Having the information “ENABLED” here, tells us that the client has valid credentials for AV Edge. However, this does not provide information, if the client is also able to access the AV Edge server or if there might be firewalls blocking the connction.

GAL Status

We Can see here, which address was used to download the address book and if the download was successful.

Controlled Phones

This setting shows, if Office Communicator can be coupled with a Tanjay. For more information about theis topic see “Pairing Office Communicator Phone Edition (Tanjay) to Communicator “ in this blog entry:

PC to PC AV Encryption

Specifies if RTP traffic between two participants has to be encrypted. The setting can have range from “Require encryption”, over “Do not support encryption” to never encrypted. “Encryption supported”  will encrypt the AV traffic, if the communication partner is capable of encryptions. If you still have Office Communicator 2005 clients in your environment, “Encryption supported” should be the setting of your choice as because of different encryption mechanisms in Office Communicator 2005 and Office Communicator 2007 or newer, encrypted calls between these clients will not work.

Focus Factory

The focus factory is responsible for creating conferences for a user. The listed SIP URI will be used, whenever we create a conference.


Line shows the phone number, that is configured for the user.

Line Configured From

“Line configured from” shows, where the line was configured. In this case, the line was configured on the server.

Location Profile

Thelocation profile, the user is assigned to.


MAPI info tells us, if the client was able to connect to mailbox using MAPI in order to publsih free/busy information and OOF messages.

Inside User Status

Shows if the user is connected to the internal OCS servers (“TRUE”) or through the Edge Server (“FALSE”).

Auto Update Download Started

OCS 2007 R2 provides automatical updates for clients. If there is an update in progress, this line shows us the start of the download.

Auto Update Download Completed

This line tells us, if the update download was completed.

Last Auto Update Request

To determine, when the last auto update request was send, we can leverage this line.

Pairing State

“Paring State” refers to the “Better Together” feature, where a Tanjay phone is connected via USB to the desktop computer, to function as a handset and speakerphone for Office Communicator 2007 R2. Conferences and calls can be managed from the Tanjay as well as from the Office Communicator 2007 R2 client.

Server SIP URI

Server SIP URI tells us, if we are connected through TCP (unencrypted) or TLS (encrypted).