IE8 – What Do IT Pros Need To Know?

IE8 for IT Pros Are you an IT Pro?

“Of course.. I’m reading your blog, aren’t I?”

Oh yeah.  Well.. do you browse the Internet?


Stupid question.. I know.  And you’re likely using Internet Explorer.  And even if you’re not, you may be supporting it as a critical app for your companies or your workgroups; or maybe just curious about what’s new and useful that IT Pros will care about and take advantage of. 

If that sounds like you, then here’s a very good article on the IE Team Blog all about what IT Pros need to know around and about the soon-to-be-released next version of Internet Explorer - Internet Explorer 8.

Check it out here.

Also, my buddy and team mate Matt “Mongo” Hester sent me this link to additional resources.