SQL Server 2005 Tidbit 011

SQL Server 2005 Tidbit 011


SQL Tidbits Galore!

Credit for this one goes to my friend and teammate Matt Hester...

Q: Can I put Visual Source Safe components into SQL 2005?

A: Yes.  If you have installed the Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 6.0 client components on your machine, SQL Server 2005 Management Studio will automatically detect that the VSS plug-in is available. As noted above, you can find the VSS plug-in listed in the Tools/Option dialog, by selecting the Source Control and then Plug-in Selection node. Also, the Source Control option in the File menu drop down becomes active, and from there you add an existing Management Studio solution to source control, or open a Management Studio directly from source control. You can enable multiple source control systems, and change from one to another. For more information on this check out this article:  https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnsql90/html/TSQLQueries.asp

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