At work on a new IT Pro Community / Events Site

Have you been to yet?

(What about now, after you clicked that link?)

What would you think about having a place like that to go to year-round, where you could view or subscribe to IT Pro-related event-news from Microsft, as well as blog postings from others in the IT Pro community?

Well, I’m part of a team of people working on a site just like that, where IT Pros, Partners, MVPs, and Microsoft Presenters will be able to submit blog feeds, and can get targeted, “Just-what-I-want-to-know” news from the community. 

Our goal is to have the site up and running by TechEd, so we’re on a tight schedule.  But we’re on track!  In fact, check out this outline of categories we’ve created to describe the heirarchy of topics you can use.  And if you look it over and have questions or comments, PLEASE enter your feedback below.

How does that strike you?