Blu-Ray Gets Manage Copy – wake me up when the nightmare is over

managedcopydiagramYou may have noticed, I didn’t blog last week due to a heavy travel schedule and spending some quality time with the folks in Bellevue.  But I’m digging out right now and a story on Engadget caught my eye.  “Blu-ray gets Managed Copy next year, requires new hardware” by Ben Drawbaugh.  Ben apparently got the tip from

I don’t event need to go read the story because the title of the story and the scary picture associated with it just gives me nightmares.  In the battle between HD-DVD and Blu-Ray, who won?  Well, it wasn’t the consumers.  I don’t know about your portion of the planet, but blu-ray movies down here in Texas are still pretty darned expensive.  I am still buying SD movies because the price for blu-ray titles should be a crime.  The ones that get discounted suck.

So what are they thinking?  Give us the ability to play a copy elsewhere but force you to dump your current player?  Someone must be smoking some good weed.  Wake me up when this blu-ray nightmare is over.