Windows 7 Screencast – Problem Steps Recorder (PSR)

Are you the “Computer Guy” ???  You know, the Saturday Night Live character Nick Burns played by Jimmy Fallon?  Well, one of the reasons computer users bring out the “Nick Burns” in many of us is the disconnect in communications and lingo between computer experts and computer users.

Thankfully the developers of Windows 7 have included a blood pressure reducing little tool called the Problem Steps Recorder (PSR).  You won’t find a whole lot of information on this nifty little tool yet, but nearly everyone that sees it and uses it agrees, this baby rocks. 

Psr.exe is available in both Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7.  Some people may refer to it as WER PSR for the Windows Error Reporting angle.  Unfortunately this application is not capturing video (a common misconception), but hey, it’s still a really nice way to alleviate the communication pain between users and a Tier 1 helpdesk, cut time and cut frustration.

The Screencast

Check out the following 4 minute screencast demo on this feature.  Be sure to double click the player to see the large full screen view or use the full screen button on the bottom right portion of the player controls.

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